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“So, you don’t want to do this?” Nir asks. “I don’t know…do you?” George answers.


This exchange is how the play No Kids by George Mann and Nir Paldi begins. The “this”, George and Nir, a real-life couple who developed this play together in 2019, are referring to is parenthood. Specifically gay parenthood. What ensues is an exploration of the very visceral fears couples looking to expand their families must face. Should we get a surrogate? How will bringing a new life into the world impact the environment? Maybe adoption is the best option? What if we screw them up? What if having a child destroys our relationship? Could we ever forgive ourselves if something goes terribly wrong?


Intercut with Madonna fantasy sequences, flashbacks, and flash-forwards, No Kids tackles these questions and more head-on. On their journey to find out if parenthood is right for them, George and Nir encounter (and transform into) a host of other characters from their past, present, and future—an adoption recruiter, a potential surrogate, a homophobic bully, a closeted priest, and even their imagined teenage son, to name a few. While No Kids focuses on many issues specific to queer parenthood, this metatheatrical play about a play will resonate with anyone thinking about becoming parents. What will George and Nir decide?


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George Mann (L) and Nir Paldi (R) in the original production of No Kids.

George Mann and Nir Paldi serve as co-artistic directors of Ad Infinitum, the Bristol-based international theatre company they founded in 2007. Ad Infinitum embraces collaboration, inclusivity, and diversity. Their "mission is to challenge, move & provoke global audiences by telling stories of those who are marginalised through ethnicity, socio-economic disadvantage, sexuality, gender, disabling barriers, age & mental health, & igniting passionate debate about socio-political injustice."


Find out more about George, Nir, and Ad Infinitum by clicking on their names!



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