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The Braggart Soldier

Characteristics: Lies and exaggerates his military record, Disguises himself as the occupying soldier, Afraid of actual conflict/fights, Not a  particularly "smooth" swordsman, Has a very long name that he uses every time he introduces himself

Physical Characteristics: Think of having a lot of muscle mass that makes it difficult to move, Think of "pushing through the air" to move because your muscles create so much resistance, Stop in a pose that shows of your fabulous physique, Has to do a K-Turn in order to switch directions while walking, Can do a Mountain Step which involves stepping high while keeping back foot on the ground

Time Codes: 3/5/21 Rehearsal Video - 1:04:30 - 1:07:20, 1:09:30 - 1:17:00, 1:17:53 - 1:22:30, 1:25:48 - 1:28:30

Additional Video: Capitano as performed by Antonio Fava



The Old Doctor

Characteristics: Coming soon!

Physical Characteristics: Coming soon!

Time Codes: Coming Soon!

Additional Video: Tut'Zanni Theatre Company - Dottore Dottore Presents... The News


The Lovers

Isabella & Flavio

Characteristics: Beautiful, Speak in poetry, Usually children of Pantalone and Dottore, Melodramatic, So caught up in finding their love that they often miss what is right in front of them, Quick to experience strong emotion (sadness, happiness, etc.)

Physical Characteristics: Usually maskless, Feet close together, Think of inhaling so you are light and airy, You look out into the horizon for your love and can feel your love pulling you forward from your heart, Lunges with a straight back leg 

Time Codes: 3/6/21 Rehearsal Video - 52:59 - 1:03:13, 1:04:40 - 1:09:30

The Lovers


The Old Man

Characteristics: Coming soon!

Physical Characteristics: Coming soon!

Time Codes: Coming soon!



Characteristics: Pantalone/Dottore’s second or third wife purely for the money not for love, Much younger than her husband but older than the lovers, Often in love with Flavio but having an affair with Capitano, Lies and exaggerates similarly to Capitano, Back handed compliments to other Signoras, Not afraid of conflict

Physical Characteristics: Trying to be dainty and demure like Isabella, Still the same type of air resistance as Capitano but moves with her shoulders and hips, Has to do a K-Turn in order to switch directions while walking

Time Codes: 3/5/21 Rehearsal Video - 1:07:20 - 1:09:30, 1:28:30 - 1:31:23

Additional Video: (For the lols - The Library SNL Skit)



The Servants

Characteristics: Can't read (this leads to mix ups often), Wants food, money, and love and is constantly searching for these things, Power dynamic between 1st and 2nd Zanni (1st Zanni is "smarter" than 2nd Zanni)

Physical Characteristics:


Basic Zanni: Imagine a hand is pushing down on your head so your body expands out, Feet and arms move in opposition, Keep your center low and feet close together, Body parts move in isolation (feet can move independently of shoulders), Whole foot touches the ground, Head is constantly moving in search of food, money, and love, Add a button when landing

Grand Zanni: Upright with back arched moving into C-shaped body while crunching legs up, Legs turned out they don't cross over your body, Swing from your hip not your knee

Two Time Step (Due-Tempi): Start with basic Zanni, tilt backwards, and kick up with your feet to run

Three Time Step: Three steps with left leg then three steps with right leg, Arms swing forward and backwards not side to side

Tired Zanni (Zanni Stanco): Leaning forward in Basic Zanni, Shoulders move up and down but elbows don't bend, Kicking feet behind as you move, So tired you can't even form words

Subtypes: Harlequin, Pulcinella, Brighella, Colombina

Time Codes: 3/3/21 Rehearsal Video - 0:18:35 - 0:34:24, 0:37:14 - 0:41:00; 0:42:30 - 0:43:30, 0:45:00 - 0:46:20, 0:49:00 - 00:51:00, 00:55:45 - 1:05:50

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